Tuesday 9 January 2018

How to Buy a Cell Phone

Now a days it’s hard to spend free time without cell phone. A cell phone is a need of everyone expanded to much more than that of calling or receiving messages or calls. The question arise that do we really need these advancements in cell phone technology or any other ? Come Let’s Find out. Below are some tips that how to buy a cell phone.

1. Financial Budget

Consider an amount that you paid for your brand new smart phone. Now add some estimated budget for your cell phone coverage wireless plan for a year. Add some % of budget on your cell phone usage and other % on cell phone repairs etc. Now you have the total annual budget for your cell phone plans , usage and repairing.

2. Cell Phone Store

Cell phone stores are the best choice to buy any brand new smartphone. You can also opt for online shopping like on amazon , eBay etc or buying second - hand phone. Shopping online or other might gives you the idea of price which later on you can compare. It also gives you the alternative to look for cheaper device.

3. Online Reviews

Online review sites are one of the best to look up the user comments on cell phone repair NY services etc. For example Yelp

4. It’s Features:

Phone Brand & OS are one of the main factors which helps to choose a good cell phone. Some users use their mobile devices as organisers , so keep in mind the important features and programs also that you find useful for to buy a new smartphone. Also keep in mind about the weight , battery life etc while choosing a new phone.

5. Plans & Connectivity

Smartphones that offers video & voice calls sounds good to us but also consume more data usage and hence cost more money. Its also depends which type of cellular wireless network you choose.

For more information related repairing and how to buy new phone Visit Quick Fix Phone Repair.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Advantages of Repairing Your iPhone rather than Buying a Brand New

You know , when you buy a new iPhone, you are basically attached with your service provider for at least two years. The advantage of that service provider services like if you purchased the iPhone and subsidy of that wireless provider brings the cost of your iPhone to 60 to 70% down. Other than your carrier provider wants you to sign a contract with that subsidy that binds you to their cellular services by at least two years. This offer both good for you and the wireless provider company. The deal remains good till your iPhone is in good condition or in operable condition.

Did you know , that you can’t buy another iPhone in that particular deal of 60 to 70% down payment cost if your iPhone breaks or suddenly not operable. This offer only applies to your first handset. Like if something happens to your phone and you can’t use your phone then still you have to pay to your wireless provider according to the contract you signed or if you want to replace your iPhone , then will also you have to pay the full retail payment that what the iPhone cost.

In this article we highlight the common points regarding repairing your iPhone screen rather buying a brand new iPhone. If by chance you damaged the iPhone screen or any other part which is not covered by its warranty card or whether warranty expires , then you have no option to find a professional iPhone screen replacement repairing technician/specialist. Might be a great option for those who looking to get repair back their brand new iPhone without spending too much of bucks.

Our advise is that if you damaged your iPhone just look for reputable cell phone repair company within your area or you can do online search of particular company , read the testimonials what other users experienced about that company. The only advantage of using repair that it helps to save lot of bucks to continue with your cellular provider.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Are you Looking for iPhone Screen Replacement Services

iPhone is a great piece of device that comes with many advanced features that revolutionise everything in our day to day life. What we are using our smartphones for ? In order to find to directions that where we are , searching for restaurants and pubs in nearby areas. Playing games and videos , reading online books etc. All thanks to the applications that we are using and developed day by day.

The only problem arises that every owner faces i.e the screen repair some users dropped it and broken the screen accidentally or might some other reason. As the touch of the iPhone is pretty sensitive as compared to others smartphones or computer screens. The other main reason that damages the screen is the applications and games that we install on our iPhone. Like many games that involve swinging the phone or smashing something or you can say the racing games which controls via tapping that generally damage the screen.

If this accidentally happens then you need to get your iPhone screen replaced by a professional repairing shop. This is highly recommended otherwise it will cost you huge penny and you feel somewhat lost without connected to your phone.

Other than this , if you going to plan to buy a brand new iPhone that will also cost you more expensive. iPhones are not cheap. Automatically you switch back to your older phone for repairing. For repairing just you have to spent a little bit but you lost all your contacts number , pictures , videos etc.


If your iPhone has a crack on the screen , due to anything just repair it as soon as possible otherwise it will tend to get bigger and the screen gets rendered even the touch is not working properly.